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Single-Use Plastics Ban

Custom Branded Eco Friendly Products

Regulations have been introduced across the States to ban problematic single-use plastics from sale or supply in an aim to prevent the billions of plastic items that are entering our coastal, marine and bushland environments.These are often difficult and costly to clean up and pollute the environment, causing harm to wildlife and contaminating our food and water.

NSW introduced a ban on supplying single-use plastic items on 1 June 22, and from 1 November 22 the ban will be extended to include the supply of single-use plastic straws, stirrers, cutlery, bowls and plates as well as food service items like containers and cups made from expanded polystyrene.

QLD followed with the ban starting on 1 September and VIC from 1 February 2023.

As consumers we are encouraged to swap single-use plastic items for reusable and sustainable alternatives to help reduce the amount of plastic waste. This may entail most of us carrying around the “reusables” – shopping bags, coffee cups and even drinkings straws (‘cos if you’re like us – paper straws really do “suck”, getting all soggy before you even finish your drink!)

Here are a few suggestions you can utilise to get your brand out in the community – having shoppers & commuters be your free walking billboard!

Reusable Straws

Reusable Shopping Bags

Foldaway Shopping Bags

Reusable Produce Bags

Reusable Food Storage Bags

Lunch Box Ideas

Every little bit of change helps!

Please note that longer than usual lead times will soon start to be experienced with indent items as we lead up to the Christmas and Chinese New Year Periods (mid-Jan 2023).

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