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Eco Promo Items made from Rice Husks

Eco Promo-Items - Rice Husks

Rice is one of the world’s largest and most important food crops. The rice husk left behind after production is often burnt off for disposal, causing air pollution. We have a range of promotional products made of Rice Husk and BPA-Free polypropylene, reducing the need for such burn-offs. The natural rice husk materials have a […]

A Pen is just not a pen!

Nowadays the ole’ pen is not just a pen! With technology quickly overtaking the role of hand written communication, the pen’s versatility has had to evolve. Over time it has developed enhancements to be just not a writing instrument – it’s become a tool with the introduction of a stylus, it can carry data around […]


Need a great idea for your client’s next promotional campaign? Look no further than the Parker and Waterman Pens! Parker and Waterman pens are not only a household name, they are iconic! There would be very few people in Australia that did not own a Parker or Waterman pen at sometime in their life, and often […]