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Seedsticks as a Promo Item

Custom Branded Seedsticks

We are in an era when millions have taken up the hobby of gardening. Not only are people more concerned about food security and organic foods, but many turn to a connection with the soil as the ideal hobby or means of relaxation. And with the option for Seedsticks as promo items, you can affiliate your brand with any of those goals.

What Are Seedsticks?

Seedsticks are small, plantable sticks that contain the seeds of your choice and which come in sets of ten. Each “has the option of full-colour print to the outer and inner packaging and choice of seed variety…Growing instructions, common name, botanical name and expected germination time of seeds appear on all products.”

Recipients using Seedsticks enjoy a simple process of sticking the stick in the soil, watering frequently, setting the pot in the sun (if using a pot rather than a garden bed), and waiting for the plants to grow!

How could you align your company’s mission or goals to Seedsticks? Many already do so through the packaging in which the products arrive. They can be in a matchbook-like package with beautiful graphics and growing instructions, but you can also choose:

  • Greeting cards
  • Bookmarks
  • Postcards
  • Die-cut packets such as houses, wheelie bins, water droplets, cars, green “thumbs up” forms, rounded packets, and more

This can then allow you to design a campaign that uses concepts like “growth” or “greener policies.” Your use of a product like Seedsticks for a promo product can be a way to engage with customers who fit the gardening profile. After all, your marketing research may have shown that a large number of your potential clients also engage in gardening or environmentally oriented activities. What better way to engage them than by showing you would like to encourage their hobbies?

Choosing an Eco-Friendly Message

Perhaps the most worthwhile reason for selecting something like Seedsticks as a promo is because they show your business to be eco-friendly or ecologically minded. It does not matter if you are purely online and focus on technology or your business is a long-standing firm that has no instant association with a greener earth. The goal is to explain to your clients (and potential clients) that you like to think about your responsibility to the planet.

You could promote the fact that your gift is made with biodegradable materials, does only good for the planet through the plants’ abilities to convert greenhouse gasses, and that your gift will make the recipients’ worlds more beautiful, tasty, or fragrant.

As a simple example, an investment firm could emphasize the growth concept through the use of seeds as promo products. A transportation firm could use the seeds to emphasize the time they save a client that would allow them more time in the garden. Almost any business can use seeds as a metaphor for their mission, and emphasize that they are not using any typical promo but instead a one-on-one promo that creates a business relationship that will grow!

Seedsticks size makes them an ideal promo item for mailing, for more options check out our information on Lumpy Mail, CLICK HERE

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