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Get Physical; Get Results

Physical mail outperforms digital marketing

In the digital age where we are all overloaded with emails, EDM’s (electronic direct mail), Spam, Pop-Up ads etc; it is harder and harder to get your marketing message read. So how

Lumpy Mail Works
Lumpy Mail Works

can we differentiate our marketing message to ensure it gets read?

Time to get physical. We live in a real world, with real senses. Direct Mail has always had a good success rate for sales conversions. This infographic brilliantly lays out the benefits of direct mail replacing or included in an email campaign.

Seth Godin’s book The Free Prize Inside reminds us all of the childhood fun of receiving a prize (toy) in cereal boxes growing up. The anticipation of gaining the toy leads to great excitement, this feeling ie further enhanced the gift comes unannounced.

This is where “Lumpy Mail” comes in. This is where we include a promotional product with the direct mail piece (hence the lumpy mail name). This adds not only the benefits of the tactile nature of a promotional product to your message, but it also rewards your customer for reading your marketing message.

Lumpy mail gets noticed, think of the physical mail that comes across your desk. The one that stands out is the one that is obviously not a bill and is of irregular shape. Plus even if your flyer/brochure makes it way into the “round filing cabinet”; the promo item will be kept for weeks, months or even years.

Mailable Items are chosen to be small and robust enough to mail, and cost-effective enough to be broadly distributed. Many mailable promotional items are small and light enough to go in a standard DL envelope; keeping the mailing costs down. This lowers the cost of acquisition.

Matthew Bywater

Marketing Strategist
For more marketing insight from Matthew check out his blog –

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