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The Right Questions Equals Success In Promotions

Asking the right questions is the start for a successful promotional campaign. Often we jump straight into the tactical side of promotional products (the products themselves)then try to marry the promotion back to the product we are promoting. The missed opportunity here is our advertising medium is often not congruent with the story we wish to tell. With literally have tens of thousands of promotional products to choose from, we need to filter down the options in order to choose the most effective medium. The questions below are just 5 of the 16 I usually go through with a client, but they are a good place to start.

Promotional ideas
Promotional Questions
  1. When do you need it?
  2. Who is your target?
  3. How many of your target do you wish to hit?
  4. What is the dollar amount you wish to spend per target?
  5. How long of a tail to the promotion do you require?
1. When do you need it?

The “Just In Time” management might work well in many forms of procurement, but generally doesn’t work well for promotional products. You can save anywhere between 30-50% by extending the lead time on items like Headwear, Stubby Coolers and Bags. You also get greater choice with more time and the ability to custom produce an item for a truly unique effect. By organising well ahead of time you also allow your promotional supplier time to cultivate better ideas.

2. Who is your target audience?

The more specific your target the more effective the promotion can be. The promo also needs to be AUDIENCE APPROPRIATE – a travel wallet may be good for an executive who travels a lot but not much use for a local concreter. By using a particular product or industry centred message, the promo will be more valued by your client – this creates an emotional tie-in with the client.

3. Quantity – How many people would you want to reach and what is the frequency of exposure to your product?

Tied in with your total budget, the quantity will affect how wide spread the promotion is. This also helps in selecting a product, some products are not cost effective in low quantities. If unsure, give a range, at least then the promotional products consultant then has somewhere to start.

4. $ per unit/customer

Knowing the dollar amount per customer/target is important as this helps frame the promotion. In a niche market, or with a high value client, a higher dollar value product like Callaway golf clubs might be applicable. Alternatively at a trade show where you’re prospecting, you would use low cost promotional items like pens, stress items etc, where you expect a lower rate of return. This differs from a sales bait where the cost of the promotion is generally a percentage of the item you are selling.

5. How long of a tail do you want on the promotion?

The term tail is used for the length of effectiveness of the promotion. Sometimes for cost effectiveness it is better to go for a short term tail, the strategy here is to get your message out as cheaply and quickly as possible (a low-end plastic pen is a typical example). Longer tail promotions will last for months or years (e.g. coffee mugs), this is where you will get better value on your Cost Per Impression (see previous blog) but the initial outlay is higher.


Matthew Bywater
Marketing Strategist

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